• Training

    The core activity of PERHEBAT is to prepare and implement training with high-quality courses that meet the needs of customers and the industry in line with the Training Policy. In addition to Resettlement and Post-Resettlement courses PERHEBAT also provide added-value and value added modules to student-trainees for additional knowledge and skills so as to be more competitive.

  • Advisory Services

    PERHEBAT provides advisory services to retiring and retired personnel in terms of course selection, career, personal financial management making paradigm shift / behavior in an effort to adapt a public lifestyle from that of the military.

  • Promotion

    Promotion plays a very important role for marketing and strengthening the brand for PERHEBAT.  Vision and mission success for PERHEBAT is highly dependent on promotional strength to attract customers to attend courses in PERHEBAT as well as promoting PERHEBAT’s products to the industry.

  • Monitoring and Regulatory Activities

    Monitoring and regulatory aspects will be emphasized to ensure the implementation of training either in Complex PERHEBAT or in any external training institutions are carried out according to standards set by PERHEBAT. Also emphasized are efforts to collect, analyze, create and strengthen the training database for continuous improvement process.

  • Competent Workforce

    PERHEBAT will always ensure that their staff are competent to provide continuous training to improve their competence and relevance status.

  • Stakeholder Support

    Strong and consistent support from the Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Fund Board (LTAT) is very necessary for the success of PERHEBAT.

  • Recognition of Certification

    PERHEBAT’s continuous assessment to diversify certification of its training programs by working with the appropriate certification bodies recognized by the industry and its customers

  • Networking

    Strengthening links with stakeholders, customers, industry, accreditation bodies is given priority to ensure that training programs carried out are in line with current requirements. The relationship between departments and branches must be up to-date to ensure smooth internal communications.